This project was a team effort together with Bachelor students from Köln International School of Design. The initial idea was to develop a workshop format to entice primary pupils to learn about coding. My role was leading the group committed to planing and organizing these workshops and preparing the major part of the actual learning material. As a prerequisite I also organized small training sessions for the students who lacked a basic understanding of coding elements.
Let's Play from LetsPlay on Vimeo.
Together with a Cape Town-based NPO, we enabled pupils from Germany and South Africa to design their own computer games. The project explored how digital games can support intercultural learning goals and computer skills of children in a cross-continental context.
In co-operation with The Learning Innovation Design Lab, we provided a create/code/learn lab – a physical and virtual space where pupils from two continents collaborated and learned from each other and made creative coding experiences. Involving two primary schools, one in Cape Town and one in Berlin, the project team prepared and hosted coding workshops using appropriate software. Guided by students, teams of 3-4 pupils developed tiny games.
In different workshops titled Game Jams they went through a whole design process, from developing an initial idea (ideation) up to prototyping and testing of their games. Through evaluating the process, a toolkit was developed that will enable schools all over Germany and South Africa to set up their own learning lab. This toolkit is currently tested in Cape Town.